
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Samsung Power Station Bridge Stadium?

News circulated today that Chelsea have started exploring the option to build a new 55,000-60,000 seater stadium at the Battersea Power Station site. The club have appointed a London Architecture to draw up plans for the site, which is about 3.3 miles away from Stamford Bridge.

A Chelsea spokesperson said:

"In the past, we've talked to various people with interests in Battersea Power Station, but we haven't had any substantive discussions with anyone regarding that site for several months.

"However, in light of current developments, we now think it prudent to look again at the feasibility and potential for the BPS site to be developed for a football stadium.

"We have made no decision to leave Stamford Bridge, and we continue to discuss with the local council any economically viable options to expand the the Bridge, but we will continue to investigate various options close to Stamford Bridge."

However, with the club currently locked in a battle with the Chelsea Pitch Owners to buy back the freehold of the Stamford Bridge pitch, the move could be seen as an arrogant one on Chelsea's part. But they hope to move quickly in order not to miss out on the site.

The 'Say No CPO' needs to start working with the club, and likewise the club needs to start working with the CPO in order to make the transition away from Stamford Bridge as smooth as possible. Stamford Bridge has been a great home and a great part of the clubs history, but we're a different team, looking to a bright future challenging as one of Europe's best clubs.

We need to move as a club together, expansion on Stamford Bridge seems near impossible, so a move away is the only option and Battersea Power Station is an ideal site in my eyes. However, we'll need to work on a new name.

Have your say on the Battersea Power Station move below or tweet me @SamsungBridge.

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