
Friday, November 25, 2011

Why I Love Chelsea

In a new feature for Samsung Bridge, I'm asking Chelsea fans from all walks of life to write down why they love Chelsea. In the first of the feature, I will tell why I fell in love with Chelsea FC.

I was about seven or eight when I went to my first Chelsea game, who we played I have no idea, but Mark Hughes scored a diving header (if you remember this game then please do tell me) that my dad missed because he was walking up the stairs to find me as my brother had left me while on a hot dog run.

It wasn't that game or that goal that made me fall in love with Chelsea, but it was because of my dad. I was 10 when I got my first season ticket in the Shed End, on the Friday before we kicked off our season against Newcastle in 2001 my dad went to the box office and brought two season tickets, for him and his boy (try doing that today!)

It was in that year that my parents separate, so seeing my dad was restricted to every other weekend when Chelsea were playing. Chelsea became my time with my dad, and as a youngster it was a great, going to the pub, listening to all the songs with the swear words. But the bit I enjoyed most, was being with my dad.

We both still have season tickets today, in the Matthew Harding Lower, now I'm of age to drink some beers and join in with the swear words the enjoyment has changed, but one thing has not, time at Chelsea is time with my dad. Recently, due to work and university I haven't been able to see my dad or Chelsea as often as I would like. In fact, it's one of my goals in life to earn enough money to be able to buy my dads season ticket for him, like he has for me all these years, and one for my son (if I have one).

So that's why I love Chelsea, not because I saw a Chelsea win or because I saw the magic of Zola, it's because Chelsea brought me closer to my dad and I love them for it.

Want to share why you love Chelsea? Tweet me @SamsungBridge

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